TM 43-0002-1
T. 0. 13C3-1-10
NAVAIR 13-1-19
c. If applicable, test stands shall be demolished using
bas, or other similar devices to smash, break, bed, or
cut. Items that may be destroyed by fire shall he burned
2-7. Parachute Canopies and Other Textile Items.
as prescribed in paragraph 2-2. Small vital be disposed
of as outlined in paragraph 2-5.
Parachute canopies and other air delivery textile items
shall be demolished by using shears, fabric cutters, awls,
2-10. Training.
files, knives, screwdrivers, pack hooks, rigging, packing,
maintenance, or storage of air or other similar devices to
All personnel who use or perform such functions s
cut, rip, tear, or slash assembly fabric, lines, loops,
of air delivery equipment should receive thorough
straps, and tapes, or they shall be piled loosely and
training air delivery equipment destruction procedures
burned, using gasoline, cleaning solvent, oil, grease,
and methods as prescribed in this publication. The
paraffin, beeswax, rubber, wood, or other flammable
destruction methods demonstrated during training
materials as a fire starter.
should be simulated. It must be deposited in the training
program, that destruction thorough use of ex plosives is
2-8. Paragraph deleted.
usually necessitated by critical situations when the time
available for implementing other equipment destruction
2-9. Metal Items and Packing Aids.
methods is limited. Upon completion of training, all
applicable personnel should be thoroughly familiar with
Air delivery equipment metal assemblies, parts, and
air delivery equipment destruction methods and be
packing aids shall be destroyed using hammers, bolt
capable of performing destruction without immediate
cutters, files, hacksaws, drills, screwdrivers, crow-
reference to any publication.
All data on page 2-3. including figure 2-1 deleted.
Change 1 2-2
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