TM 43-0002-1
T. O. 13C3.1.10
NAVAIR 13-1-19
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope.
a. Reports by US Army personnel should be submitted
This manual prescribes equipment priorities, methods,
on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to DA
and techniques that are to be used in the destruction of
Publications) and fowarded direct to commander, US
air delivery equipment to prevent enemy use when
Army Troop Support and Aviation Material Readiness
capture or abandonment of the equipment is imminent.
Command, ATTN: DRSITS-MF 4300 Goodfellow Blvd.,
1-2. Purpose
St. Louis, MO 63120. A reply will be furnished to you.
The purpose of this publication is to provide personnel
with guidance that will permit quick, effective, and safe
b. Report by US Air Force units should be submitted on
means of rendering inoperative or destroying air delivery
AFTO Form 22, Technical Order Publication
equipment that is in imminent danger of capture by an
Improvrment Report, and fowarded to the address cited
in paragraph a, above. An information copy of the pre-
1-3. Reporting of Errors.
pared AFTO Form 22 shall be furnished to SSMA/
The reporting of errors, missions, and recommedations
MMSTR, Kelly AFB, Texas 78241.
for improving this publication by the individual user is
encouraged Preparation and submission of reports will
c. Reports by U.S. Navy personnel shall be submitted in
be as follows:
accordance with instructions contained in publication
1-4. General.
the equipment to an enemy. The plan should outline
Destruction of air delivery equipment that is in imminent
the extent of destruction be performed, priorities
danger of capture by an enemy is a command decision
of destruction as applicable to the assigned air
that must be made by a battalion or higher commander
delivery items, and the amount of explosives required,
the equivalent. Upon receipt of orders from proper
if applicable. Additionally, the plan must be flexible
authority, equipment destruction may be initiated and
enough in the designation of time, equipment and
should be thorough as time, personnel, and means
personnel to fit an tactical withdrawal situation. To
prevent equipment cannabalization by an enemy, unit
personnel who are air delivery oriented shall be familiar
1-5. General
with the priority sequence in which essential air delivery
All units which possess air delivery equipment should
have a plan for the implementation of destruction
including repair parts in stock, are to be destroyed. The
procedures to insure that the maximum and most
effective damage is done to equipment to deny use of
unit personnel shall also be familiar with the sequence to
be followed
for total destruction of unit air delivery equipment.
1-6. General
1-7. Repair Parts.
a. Priority be always be given to the destruction of of
The same priority for destruction of repair parts of a
classified air delivery equipment and associated
major item necessary to render that item inoperable
must be given to the destruction of similiar repair parts
b. When lack of time and /or stores prevent complete
located in storage areas.
destruction of air delivery equipment, priority is to be
given to the destruction of essential parts, and the same
1-8. Priorities for Destruction of Parts of Military
parts are to be destroyed on all like items.
Technical Equipment.
c. A guide to priorities for destruction of repair parts for
air delivery equipment is contained in table 1-1.
associated parts that are to be destroyed and the priority
designation of each item.
Change 1 1-1
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