![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
This leaves approximately 35 percent of the gross space
-- "AISLES should be kept to a minimum in number and
(inside measurement) that can be used for offices,
size because they WASTE STORAGE SPACE."
restrooms, posts, aisles, and other necessary space. To
make the group think about the problem of aisle layout
Illustrate the above point by an
from a practical "know-- the reasons" viewpoint rather
example and than ask members of
than from a "how-we-do-it-here" viewpoint, a chart or
the group if they know exactly what
plan of a different type of building should be used in the
percentage of their available storage
discussion. For example: Use a physical floor plan
space is used for aisles. If they do
which is different from the one used to your installation.
not know, work out one problem with
As each type of aisle is discussed, it should be on a
the group.
chart as suggested by the group. A blackboard, about 3
by 4 feet, can be used with sample ware house plans
(1) The number, type, size, and location of
painted on the board. Aisles and commodity locations
aisles are directly dependent upon the CAPACITY
can then be chalked on it as suggested by the group.
warehouseman should not be content to lay out aisles
(4) Before laying out aisles, the storage
according to a pattern determined either by "someone
person must ask:
else" or by precedent. They should know WHY the aisle
(a) Where and how far away are
plan is used and BE SURE THAT IT FITS INTO THE
platforms and door openings?
PARTICULAR OPERATION after studying the question
from all angles. They should constantly TRY TO
(b) Approximately how much space will
REDUCE the amount of space used by aisles
be needed for each item and the sizes of the lots the
warehouse is at present expected to store?
(2) To illustrate the percentage of storage
(c) It likely that there will be changes in
space that can be used by aisles, the following
the quantities and types of material in the near future
examples can be used: Consider a warehouse section
and can such changes be anticipated, so as to avoid
120 by 180 feet or a total of 21,600 square feet. Two
extensive rearrangement of aisles?
10-foot main aisles, the length of section, equal 2,400
(d) Where are firewalls and fire line
square feet which uses about 11 per cent of gross
storage space and leaves 89 percent for storage. This
(e) How many posts or columns support
PLUS two 10-foot cross aisles running the width of
the roof and floors? Where are they, how big are they,
section equals 3,600 square feet. TOTAL aisle space
and how far apart?
equals 6,000 square feet which uses about 27 percent of
(f) Will materials be block-- stocked or
gross storage space and leaves about 73 percent for
binned? Where binned, aisle space must be re served in
storage (actually, 100 sq ft should be subtracted for
front of each bin.
each point of crossing of aisles; however, for ease of
(g) Which supplies will be stored
illustration, this has not been considered). If we reduce
mechanically and which by hand? Forklift trucks cannot
the width of each of the four aisles ONE FOOT and
work in tight spots behind columns, nor pass pack ages
make them 9 feet instead of 10 feet, we will have 600
around a corner.
square feet. This saving would make space for about
200 additional pallet loads where pallets are stacked
three high. This reduction of ONE FOOT would raise
to be used? If 6,000 pounds, a larger aisle should be
the available storage space to 76 per cent.
provided; if 2,000 pounds, smaller aisles naturally result.
b. Types of aisles.
-- "There are three TYPES of AISLES COMMONLY
(3) How much area should be used for
used in our warehouses: MAIN AISLES, CROSS
storage? Naturally, the thought in relation to this
question is "every available square foot." That is
-- "DISCUSS in DETAIL each of these types, as to
certainly very true, but just how much should be the
number, size, location, and direction.
minimum available area for storage? This will certainly
vary from installation to installation de pending upon
c. Main or transportation aisles.
many factors such as building characteristics and type
-- "MAIN AISLES are sometimes referred to as
of commodity to be stored or mission. As a good rule of
thumb, we may say that a minimum of 65 percent of the
-- "As in the case of elevators in multistory buildings,
available gross space should be available for storage of
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