![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
cases, the forklift truck will be fitted with blocking
flammable liquids with flash points higher than 100 .
devices that will not permit the forks to elevate the load
as determined by the safety and fire prevention
higher than the operator's head. Guards and means of
authorities. The need for an EX type of explosion-proof
attachment will not interfere with the operation of the
truck will be determined by the safety and fire
forklift truck and will not impede the operator in
prevention authorities of the individual military services.
mounting and dismounting the truck.
g. Area to be free of oil and fuel spills. All spills
b. Equipment to be kept free of grease . Steering
will be cleaned up before starting an engine. Gasoline
columns and electrical wiring on diesel-, gasoline-, or
will not be flushed down a drain unless a special drain
electric-powered equipment must be kept free of
designated for this purpose is provided. Gasoline spills
excessive grease accumulation at all times.
will be cleaned up in accordance with local spill control
c. Special protective equipment.
requirements. Only approved absorbent material will be
protective equipment as cleared by the appropriate
used to clean up the gasoline. Sawdust, wood shavings,
military department will be used when work involves
or rags will not be used to clean up the spilled gasoline.
explosives and ammunition.
Metal shovel, metal grid, or other spark producing tools
d. Fire prevention devices.
will not be used in the immediate area. When cleaning
up spilled gasoline in excess of 1 pint, one person will
(1) Sediment bowls and gas caps. Gasoline
stand by with a fire extinguisher while another person
and gas electric-powered MHE will be equipped with
does the cleaning.
metal sediment bowls and gas filler caps with special
h. Safety precautions by the operator .
safety features.
following safety precautions are applicable for the
(2) Spark flame arrestor. Internal combustion
operator of MHE:
engine powered MHE with built-in devices to provide
adequate safeguards against spark or flame will be
(1) Operators, as soon as they go on duty,
used, when available, to handle or to operate in storage
will inspect brakes, steering apparatus, horn, oil, gas,
areas containing readily ignitable materials such as
and water.
Any defects noted will be reported
cotton, jute, sisal, coca fiber, or excelsior. When such
immediately to the supervisor.
MHE with built-in devices is not available, a spark or
(2) The operator will refuse to drive an
flame arrestor device, conforming to the requirements of
improperly loaded truck or any MHE which is not in safe
military specification MIL-A-27302, may be attached to
mechanical condition.
the muffler tail pipe. These devices require periodic
(3) The operator will stop the engine and set
inspection for accumulation of carbon deposits and,
the brake before getting off the machine, except when
when necessary, will be removed for cleaning. Intervals
picking stock, in which case the brake will be set and the
between servicing of arrestors will vary with the
engine permitted to idle in neutral provided the operator
condition of the engine and the type of operations
remains in the immediate area of the vehicle.
performed. Other types of spark arrestors/devices may
be used when authorized by the military service
(4) Only licensed operators will be permitted
to operate equipment.
(3) Fire extinguishers. The installation of fire
(5) The operator will inspect all loads to be
extinguishers on powered MHE will be as prescribed by
moved, will not overload, will not move an unstable
the military service concerned.
load, will avoid moving loose material, and will refuse to
considerations should include criteria described in
move an unsafe load, or unload from a truck or trailer
section G of this chapter.
that is not chocked or does not have a stabilizer placed
under the fifth-wheel area on the trailer, if disconnected
from the tractor.
e. All warehouse and open area aisles must be
(6) Operators will be trained in the use of all
kept clean and free of refuse. MHE can be jarred going
types of fire extinguishers and will ascertain their
over obstructions which will cause the load to shift or
location in the areas in which they are working.
(7) Operators will keep three truck or tractor
f. Overhead guards (29 CFR 1910.178 ). Forklift
lengths behind other vehicles.
trucks of all types will be equipped with an overhead
safety guard fabricated from steel. Exceptions are
(8) Operators will face in the direction they
permitted only for forklift trucks where height of the
are traveling and will not back without facing in that
overhead guard would deny entry of truck into work
locations such as entry into vehicles being loaded or
unloaded in receiving or shipping operations. In such
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