![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-69. Open storage adjacent to rails.
5-61. Safety.
g. Railcars, trailers, and trucks will be properly
Due to the weight, size, shape, handling, and
braked and blocked to prevent movement during loading
transportation requirements peculiar to metal products,
and unloading operations.
safety must be given prime consideration. Appropriate
h. Floor load limitations must not be exceeded.
safety precautions of chapter 6, this manual, and of the
military service concerned will be carried out with
5-62. Preservation.
emphasis on the following:
Preservation of metal products will be conducted in
a. Authorized safety toe footwear will be worn by
accordance with current directions of the respective
military service. In the absence of specific instructions,
b. Metal studded leather palm gloves should be
MIL-STD-163C establishes the basic requirement for the
worn when handling metal as a protection against cuts
preservation of steel products.
from sharp edges.
Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention of Metals, contains
c. Standard hand signals will be used when
basic guidance on corrosion and corrosion prevention.
directing lifting, lowering, or movement of materials.
Contents include: factors influencing corrosion, forms of
Such signals will be given by only one person in an area
corrosive attack, corrosive characteristics of metals and
regardless of the number of personnel engaged in the
alloys, and general methods of protection from
corrosion. The prime causes of corrosion are the nature
of the materials and unfavorable storage environments.
d. Supervisors should assure that all personnel
Metal products are more susceptible to corrosion in
engaged in physical lifting have been instructed in the
areas having higher RH than in dry, arid areas. Metal
proper techniques.
with a polished surface should always be handled with
e. Precautions should be taken to prevent
gloved hands to protect the metal from acid stains
overloading of handling equipment.
caused by perspiration. When preservatives are to be
f. Special MHE attachments will not be used
applied to metal products, the surface to be coated will
without prior approval of the military service concerned.
be dry, clean, and free from mill scale, dirt, and
corrosion. It is essential
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