![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
manufacture, not the date of retreading. Aircraft tire
f. Accessories. Accessories should be boxed or
manufacturing dates are included in the serial number of
crated and placed on the skid or platform of the unit
tires. The serial number consists of a maximum of ten
from which removed. Precautions should be taken so
positions, alpha and/ or numeric. The first four positions
that the wood of the boxes or crates does not come in
are the date of manufacture in the form of a julian date
contact with the preserved machine surfaces. When it
(last digit of the year followed by the day of the year
is not possible to place accessories on the skid, such
(i.e., 23 May 1968 is written 81440). Manufacturing
accessories should be stored adjacent to, or in the
dates shown previous to this method are identified by
vicinity of, the machine tool; proper identification should
month and year such as 10-68/October 1968. Inner
indicate clearly the unit to which the crated accessories
tubes have the date applied to the tube by decal or
stamped on the surface. The outside of the tube cartons
g. Tiering. Where it is necessary to use tiering
are also date stamped. Proper control and rotation of
methods to conserve storage space, care should be
stock procedures will be implemented to assure that the
taken in selecting machines to be tiered. Machines of
oldest aged dated items are issued first. Color tape is
long bed design, with leg-type, end frame, or multiple
used on aircraft tires manufactured in 1962 and
column bases, or weighing more than 10,000 pounds
subsequent years to aid in age identification of the tires
should rest on a solid base and not be placed on top of
while in storage at depots, storage sites, air bases, etc.
other machines.
Tires manufactured in 1962 and subsequent years are
h. machines weighing more than 10,000 pounds.
color coded with one circumferential band of 1-inch wide
Tiering of machines tools such as lathes with long beds
tape, completely around and approximately centered on
or other units with extended legs, long tables, or double
the tread. This paragraph is intended as information
columns may distort or warp the tools beyond
only and is not used as authority to require tape
reasonable repair.
Small machines that have
markings of tires currently in storage. New tires will be
rectangular columns or circular pedestal bases can be
color coded by the manufacturer before delivery.
tiered, provided suitable crating or dunnage is inserted
between the machines to bear the load. To avoid
*Tape Color Identification Data
permanent distortion of frame members by undue
Tape color
stresses or strains, all machines should be leveled and
supported. Machine tools may be tiered two tiers high,
Silver or gray ...............
but there are some types of industrial equipment that
Green ...........................
can be tiered higher when crated such as welders,
Blue .............................
furnaces, heat treatment equipment, and washing
Orange .........................
Magenta or purple ........
Red .............................
5-35. Tires, Tubes, and Rubber Products.
*Tires manufactured after 1971 have the year printed on the
a. Selection of Warehouse. Warehouses in which
colored tape.
tires are stored must provide the maximum safety and
(2) Serviceable aircraft tires will be placed
protection to the tires housed. Buildings used for tires
into suitable tire racks so that tires will be held in a
storage should-
vertical position and with each tire holding its own
(1) Provide maximum protection against fire
weight only. The rack will provide a flat or covered
and reduce fire hazards to a minimum.
surface for the tire rather than a round surface such as
(2) Provide protection from light.
pipe or tubing. If this procedure is not followed,
(3) Provide a uniformly cool temperature.
particularly in the case of tubeless tires, it maybe
(4) Be free of operating electrical equipment
impossible to mount the tire without the aid of additional
which generates ozone.
equipment. The flat spots on the tread, which may
develop from storing tires vertically, are not harmful.
(5) Provide protection against drafts or air
Such Flat spots will disappear when the tire is mounted
movement since air currents increase rubber
and inflated.
deteriorating oxygen in the air and aid combustion in
case of fire.
(3) Reparable aircraft tires may be stored in a
vertical or horizontal position. Flat spots caused by
b. Aircraft tires and tubes.
storage in either position are corrected during the
(1) The age limits for aircraft tires and aircraft
retreading process. Tires stored in a horizontal po-
inner tubes are based on the date of manufacture.
Retreaded tire age limits are also from the date of tire
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