![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Damage will result if item is stored at lower temperature than indicated.
Carrots may become bitter if stored with fruits which give off ethylene such as apples and pears. If carrots are bitter, they should
be stored in a room temperature for several days before use.
Keeping time in uncontrolled storage (dry space) is less than 3 months because of desiccation and because of swelling due to
microbial activity.
Very susceptible to mold growth on surface. Inspect and wipe often.
Sweet cherries packed in sealed polyethylene bag liners can be stored for up to 21 days.
Imperfect seals will reduce shelf life.
The refrigerated storage of Florida grapefruit is not recommended for more than a limited period and, then, only if the fruit is
inspected at intervals. Grapefruit is very susceptible to rind pitting and aging at comparatively low temperatures, especially around
38 . At higher temperature such as 50 ., the rapid development of decay is troublesome.
Not recommended for export since the European type of grape from California with better keeping quality is available during the
same period.
Foothill grown lemons store better than coastal grown lemons, especially late picked; at Receiving Markets, only Strong" lots of
lemons should be stored and frequently inspected.
Soybean oil margarine is considered by some authorities to be less stable than cottonseed oil margarine.
California and Arizona varieties are more susceptible to low temperature rind disorders.
For best ripening, pears should be held at about 65 . for 2 to 3 days prior to serving.
Early and intermediate crop potatoes may possess better or poorer keeping qualities than potatoes show on the table. Many lots
of early potatoes are too immature for export, and some intermediate crop potatoes are not suitable for export because of poor quality
and condition. Extreme care must be exercised in the selection of potatoes for export from the middle of May to the middle of August.
The quality and condition of available supplies must govern the final choice between old and new crop stock for export during the first
part of this period, and such factors also must govern the choice of stocks of new crop potatoes for export later in this period.
important to remember that the length of storage should
(c) Approximate storage life. Storage
be based on the date of packing and not on the date of
life is the total elapsed time from date of pack to date of
issue for immediate consumption. The approximate
storage life given in table 5-2 is the best estimate of
b. Storage.
Careful, correct storage methods
expected life based upon experience for subsistence
prevent damage to items in storage and assure speed
procured and stored in accordance with applicable
and efficiency in the receipt, handling, and issue of such
specifications and regulations.
Specific lots of
items. Shipments should be segregated and clearly
subsistence may be expected to show signs of major
marked so that the oldest lots, as packed and not as
quality loss within +20 percent of the time listed.
received, are issued first, unless the newer lots show
Therefore, procedures shall be established to provide
evidence of deterioration or spoilage. The particular
surveillance from time of receipt until the subsistence is
method used for storing each item depends on the
issued and consumed. The frequency of inspection
nature of the container, the nature of the commodity,
should be established through actual experience with
and the breaking strength of the bottom layers. For
various products and as prescribed in pertinent military
example, items packed in glass containers with cork
publications. Storage life will be somewhat lessened
stoppers should be inverted to prevent the drying out of
depending on the extent of deviation from the ideal
the cork.
storage temperature and RH conditions cited in (a) Lutz,
(1) Storage precautions. Care should be
J.M., and Hardenburg, R.E., U.S.
DA Agriculture
taken that items are not stacked so high as to cause a
Handbook, No. 66 (1977), the Commercial Storage of
bursting or crushing of the bottom layers; nor should
Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks and
items be stacked so high that the top layer is subject to
(b) the Refrigeration Research Foundation, Commodity
the higher temperature more prevalent near the ceiling
Storage Manual, 1982.
or overhead. Stacking in close proximity to steam or
other heated pipes shall be avoided. Use pallets to
Semiperishable Subsistence in Dry
raise subsistence off the floor and pile individual lots to
permit the circulation of air around the lots. Bagged
a. The product.
The term semiperishable
items and those requiring fumigation and insect control
should not be stored in large masses in corners of the
subsistence refers to food items that are canned, dried,
storeroom or directly against the walls; such storage
dehydrated, or otherwise processed to the extent that
leaves insufficient room for cleaning and inspecting.
such items may, under normal conditions, be stored in
Palletized storage is used as this facilitates handling of
nonrefrigerated spaces. Semiperishable subsistence too
the stores and reduces losses by breakage in handling.
often is regarded as nonperishable commodities which
All items should be properly cross stacked to keep the
do not require care or protection in storage. While
stack solid and prevent it from toppling.
semiperishable subsistence is not nearly as susceptible
to spoilage as perishable subsistence, spoilage can and
(2) Storage periods (keeping time). The safe
will occur if the products are mishandled, improperly
storage period for dry subsistence items varies greatly,
stored, or stored for excessive periods of time. It is
depending on such elements as temperature,
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