![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
the stacks in the freezer space, the circulation of air may
(a) General. Along with proper temperature
be considered to be adequate.
and humidity, air circulation in a storage room is an
important factor in the proper storage of chilled and
frozen stored subsistence. This is facilitated by stacking
(e) Dairy products and eggs. To keep the air
the products on pallets in such a manner that will
in a cold storage room fresh, the room must be kept
provide a 4-inch wall clearance, 2-foot ceiling clearance,
clean and the air must circulate slowly. Ordinarily,
and sufficient working aisleway.
adequate air circulation can be provided by the use of
pallets on the floor and by proper stacking of the various
lots. Egg cases should not be stacked more than five
(b) Fruits and vegetables. Containers should
high to avoid pressure damage.
be raised off the floor by the use of pallets and
individual lots should be stacked so as to permit free
circulation of air. In some cases, the use of a fan or
(3) Transport and Storage Compatibility of Fresh
duct system may be desirable to maintain proper
Fruits and Vegetables.
circulation in all parts of the room. The introduction of
outside air into cold storage rooms housing fruits and
(a) General. Although it may be necessary to
vegetables is not necessary. However, when fresh fruits
transport and store various fresh fruits and vegetables
and vegetables are stored in tight compartments at
together, there are some products which should be
temperatures of 40 . or higher, the concentration of
separated whenever possible. Apples, pears, bananas,
carbon dioxide produced by respiration may reach such
peaches, plums, cantaloupes, ripe honeydew melons,
a danger point that a match or candle will be
avocados, tomatoes, and other ethylene producing fruits
extinguished. While this condition is not considered
or vegetables should not be stored with lettuce (causes
harmful to most products, personnel should not work in
russeting), carrots (become bitter), cucumbers, green
such rooms until a supply of fresh air has been
peppers, acorn or Hubbard squash (loss of green color).
Odors from apples and citrus fruits are readily absorbed
by meat, eggs, and dairy products. Pears and apples
(c) Quick-frozen fruits and vegetables.
acquire an unpleasant earthy taste and odor when
Quick-frozen fruits and vegetables are highly perishable
stored with potatoes. Other combinations which should
unless properly stored. Correct handling and proper
be avoided in storage rooms are apples or pears with
storage of such foods are imperative in utilizing frozen
celery, cabbage, or onions; celery with onions or carrots;
foods to the best advantage. Upon delivery, quick-
green peppers with pineapples; and citrus fruits with any
frozen fruits and vegetables should be transferred
of the strongly scented vegetables. Green peppers can
promptly to a low temperature storage space.
taint pineapples if the two are stored or shipped
Temperature of the load should be checked upon arrival
together. Onions, nuts, citrus fruits, and potatoes should
by taking temperature readings of cartons selected from
each be stored separately whenever possible.
top layers inside shipping cases. If the temperature of
the product is higher than the freezer room temperature,
(b) Perishable Subsistence
shipping cases should be scattered loosely about the
Groups. For transport and storage, fresh fruits and
room on hand-trucks or upon pallets on the floor with
vegetables have been divided into the following
adequate space between individual cases to permit
compatibility groups:
rapid lowering of the product temperature to freezer
room temperature. The use of a portable fan to create
an air current over the product will hasten temperature
Temperature: 32 . to 34 . (0 . to 1 .)
equalization. When the temperature of the product has
RH: 90 to 95 percent.
been lowered sufficiently, cases should be stacked
Atmosphere: Normally used in berries and cherries
compactly. If the product temperature upon delivery is
only-10 to 20 percent carbon dioxide (CO2).
the same as or below temperature of freezer room, the
cases should be stacked compactly immediately.
Ice: Never in contact with commodity.
(d) Meat, meat products, and poultry. A
prime factor in keeping the temperature in all parts of
Most members of this group are not
meat storage spaces at the recommended level is
compatible with group 6a or 6b because
proper circulation of the refrigerated air. Meat items will
ethylene production by group 1 can be high,
not be stored on the bare floor; pallets should be placed
and thus harmful to members of group 6a or
on the floor to allow free circulation of air under all items
stored in the 5-40 space.
Generally, when the
recommended temperature in all parts of the
refrigerated space is uniform and is maintained within
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