![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-16. The block storage pattern.
location of firewalls and building supports may not allow
b. Selection of the proper pattern. Many factors
the use of a block pattern.
must be considered when determining the best storage
(3) Item mix. When a large quantity of a
pattern to use in a specific situation. Factors which
single item is to be stored, the use of a block pattern is
must always be considered include, but are not limited
usually the logical choice, if facility design will permit.
to, the following:
Where small quantities of different items are involved, a
(1) Efficient space utilization.
A block
back-to-back pattern generally proves to be more
storage pattern will make more efficient use of space
than will a back-to-back pattern since the block pattern
(4) Item issue requirements. If the issue of
requires a minimal quantity of aisles. Although block
each piece (vehicle or artillery piece) is controlled by
patterns do result in more efficient use of space,
serial number or a similar control factor, the use of a
consideration of other factors discussed below may
block storage pattern is not the logical choice unless the
dictate the use of a back-to-back pattern. However, a
precise sequence in which pieces will be issued can be
specific single type of pattern need not be used
accurately predetermined. The requirement for a single
throughout an entire storage area; it is permissable to
piece in the center of a block pattern could necessitate
use a combination of both.
the movement of many pieces so that the desired piece
(2) Type of storage area. Normally, there is
may be obtained.
nothing which will physically inhibit the use of either type
(5) Care of supplies in storage. The care of
storage pattern in an open storage area. However,
supplies in storage program (chap 3, sec VI) for vehicles
since open space is at less premium, the back-to-back
and artillery specifies that, under certain conditions,
pattern is usually used so as to minimize materials
vehicle drive trains or artillery recoil mechanisms be
handling. In a covered storage area, the need for
exercised periodically. In some instances, this can be
specific aisle placement and the
accomplished through use of a mechanical device
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