![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-14. End of trailer elevated to promote drainage.
5-14. Storage Patterns.
(4) Wheeled and tracked vehicles in open (or
covered) storage need not be blocked off the ground.
However, vehicles which must be stored in open areas
a. General. Whenever material is placed within a
should be placed on the most favorable terrain available
storage area, the manner in which items are located in
to prevent this equipment from resting in mud or water.
relation to one another forms a pattern. This is referred
Where changing terrain or draining patterns cause this
to as a "storage pattern." The back-to-back and the
condition to exist, the equipment should be moved to a
block storage patterns are two efficient patterns for use
more desirable area, or some type of fill (e.g., gravel,
in the storage of vehicles and artillery.
stone, etc.), spread, or landing mat positioned to provide
(1) The back-to-back storage pattern consists
a more suitable ground condition.
of two rows of material placed in proximity to one
another as shown in figures 5-15 and 5-37. Note that an
aisle separates each double row so that any item is
accessible without the need to move any other item.
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