![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.42
continued overload are damage to lift mechanism,
b. Flammable material.
Electric-powered fork
excessive tire wear, and strain on the truck frame.
trucks, spark-enclosed type, will be utilized for the
handling of flammable material such as paint, oil,
4-21. Warehouse Tractor Load Ratings.
gasoline, and flammable gas.
c. Fume
a. Warehouse tractor capacity is stated in pounds
commodities, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables,
drawbar pull, which is the motive force exerted at the
will absorb and become tainted by the fumes from
coupling. The drawbar pull and pushing power of the
gasoline or diesel engines. Electric power is required to
tractor is figured on the basis of the engine torque, drive
handle these commodities.
ratio, weight, and the traction of the tires. Although this
d. Gasoline-and diesel-powered MHE. These are
pull is not the maximum load weight the tractor will
best suited for outside applications and, in most cases,
draw, since under ideal conditions a tractor can pull a
can provide greater lifting, pulling, or pushing power
load equal to 20 times its drawbar pull, the maximum
than electric-powered MHE.
normal load weight should not exceed 10 times the
drawbar pull which will allow for all technical and safety
4-20. Forklift Truckload Ratings.
(1) Tractive effort and resistance. Tractive
a. The fork truck pivots on the center of the drive
effort is the motive force (measured in lbs) exerted at
axle; therefore, the weight of the load ahead of the front
the drive wheels of a tractor to overcome the resistance
wheels must be counterbalanced by the weight of the
to motion. Tractor resistance is the result of rolling
truck. In accordance with the principles of leverage, the
friction between the wheels and the surface, expressed
ability of the fork truck to lift a load depends upon the
in pounds per ton of gross weight of tractor. The type of
length of the load (the distance of its center of gravity
surface over which the tractor is to travel has an
from the center of the front axle of the truck) and the
important bearing on tractive resistance. The following
weight of the load. The capacity of the fork truck is
table of road resistance shows the comparative road
stated in inch-pounds, which is the rated pounds
resistance of some of the more common types of road
capacity of the truck multiplied by the distance from the
center of the front axle to the center of the rated load
Table of Road Resistances
selected by the manufacturer. In general, trucks are
rated by pounds and the distance from the heel of the
Type of Road Surface
Resistance in
forks to the center of gravity of the rated load (for
pound per
instance, 4,000 lbs at 24-in load center). To determine
inch-pounds capacity, add to load center the distance
Asphalt (hard) ..............................
from the center of the front axle to the heel of the forks,
Brick (glazed) ...............................
which can be obtained from the manufacturer's
Brick (poor) ..................................
specifications or by measurement, and multiply the sum
Brick (smooth) ..............................
by the rated load weight.
Clay .............................................
Concrete (poured) ........................
follows: Assume a rating of 4,000 pounds at 24 inches,
Concrete road ..............................
with a measurement of 15 inches from the heel of the
Granite blocks ..............................
forks to the center of the front axle; result:
Gravel road ..................................
4,000x(24+15)=156,000 inch-pounds. To determine the
Ice and snow ................................
maximum weight which may be placed on a pallet of
Macadam ......................................
given size, assuming uniform weight distribution on the
Macadam (poor) ...........................
pallet, add half the dimension of the pallet parallel to the
Sand (loose, 3 in deep) .................
forks to the distance from the center of the front axle to
Sand road ....................................
the heel of the forks and divide the sum into the inch-
Snow (hard) .................................
pound capacity of the truck. To complete the example,
Snow (soft) ...................................
the maximum weight on a 40-by 48-inch pallet is
Tarvia ...........................................
156,000 divided by (15+20), which equals 4,457.
Wood blocks ................................
However, the load weight may not be in excess
Wood planking .............................
of the weight of the rated load stated by the
Wood planking (sticky surface) .....
manufacturer. If the dimensions of the pallet used,
(2) Grade resistance. Grade resistance is the
parallel to the forks, is less than twice the rated load
resistance for movement on a grade, to be added
center, the rated pounds capacity is the capacity of the
truck; therefore, the maximum load would still be 4,000
pounds. Bending of the mast channels as the load is
raised, plus forward tilt action, will reduce the capacity of 4-60
elevated loads by as much as 25 percent. Overloading
of fork trucks is strictly prohibited. Among the effects of
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