![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
tight polyethylene encased in layers of 100-pound test
(7) In not seriously affected by changes in
extensible kraft paper. The outer layer of kraft paper is
temperatures and altitude encountered during surface
coated with a weather-resistant polyethylene coating.
transport (pneumatic dunnage is not for use in aircraft).
The ends of the bag are sealed by a procedure in which
d. Comparative dunnaging costs.
the polyethylene inner bag and all layers of paper are
(1) Use of pneumatic dunnage can result in
wrapped around a 7/16 inch wooden dowel. The inner
substantial savings in certain applications when used in
bag and paper are held in position on the dowel by a 1/s
lieu of conventional-type dunnage.
To effectively
inch thick tubular metal sleeve. An inflating valve is
assess the possibilities of savings by use of this method
heat-sealed into the inner bag. This valve is not
as compared to fixed dunnage in a particular situation, it
designed for rapid deflation of the unit. At destination,
is necessary to consider the following:
disposable pneumatic dunnage is deflated by cutting or
(a) Man-hours required for the dunnage
otherwise puncturing the bag.
operations as well as hourly rates for workers (skilled car
c. Dunnage.
Performance and cost are two
blockers are not required for pneumatic dunnage).
principal considerations in dunnaging of material in
(b) Cost of conventional dunnage
transportation conveyances. Regardless of costs, the
material as opposed to the cost of reusable pneumatic
selected methods must do the job; however, there is
dunnage. In the case of reusable pneumatic dunnage,
usually more than one method that will achieve the
usage cost is obtained by dividing the original cost of
performance goal; hence, cost comes into clear focus.
the unit by the number of trips expected from the unit
Over many years of experience, the application of fixed
(this could range up to 100 or more trips).
dunnage is well understood. This technique is explained
(c) Miscellaneous costs to include any
elsewhere in this part. So that a method may be
cost of the return or reusable pneumatic dunnage as
properly explored in determining the most preferable
well as administrative costs to control accountability.
dunnage to install under a given situation, the
Maintenance of the reusable units is considered
advantages and considerations in the use of pneumatic
dunnage are listed below:
(d) Salvage value of conventional
(1) Allows more rapid installation and
removal than conventional dunnage.
Under many
applications, this method is more economical in total
(e) Dunnage removal costs.
than other dunnaging methods (see d below).
(f) The choice between use of
(2) Provides a highly resilient load restraining
disposable or reusable pneumatic dunnage. Where the
return of dunnage units can be reasonably assured, the
reusable types are generally the more economical to
(3) Provides relatively low pressure bracing
use. The choice to be made is not solely a judgment as
(2 to 5 PSI) for loads. (Inflation pressure for pneumatic
to whether pneumatic dunnage is more economical to
dunnage units in truck trailers/containers must not
use than the more conventional method. A further
exceed three-quarters PSI maximum.)
determination must establish which type and size of
(4) Is capable of tightening loads in which
pneumatic dunnage offers the greater cost advantage.
compactness was not sufficiently achieved during
(g) A loading pattern which results in
loading; however, efficiency of loading procedures
the very minimum void space so as to eliminate the use
should not be reduced because of this corrective action
of any dunnage is the most economical procedure.
of pneumatic dunnage. (There is no substitute for
When applied to specific dunnaging problems
proper loading, regardless of type of dunnage material
employing various methods for staying a load, the
savings to be realized through application of pneumatic
(5) Is capable of repositioning cargo loads
dunnage are in direct relation to the type and extent of
shifted by sudden impact and also will expand to take up
conventional dunnage which would otherwise be
slack developed through normal load jostling in transit.
When a load does shift on sudden impact, the dunnage
e. Accessories.
In addition to a source of
unit cushions the load, whereas fixed bracing does not.
compressed air, an inflation kit (fig 3-44) is required for
This cushioning action is advantageous for even slight
the use of pneumatic dunnage (reusable or disposable).
This kit consists of an air pressure gauge 015 pounds
(6) Is capable of retaining adequate
with 1 pound graduations and an inflator gun (air chuck)
cushioning air pressure during long-distance shipments
with a /4-inch inside pipe thread. The gauge and gun
up to 30 days.
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