![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Prior to shipment (particularly if the machinery has been
d. Drums with rolling hoops. When loading drums
in inactive storage) a careful inspection will be made of
with rolling hoops in a rigid, braced load, the load must
the item or items to be shipped. The items should be
be arranged so as to prevent the hoops from riding up
examined to determine if there are any damaged or
on each other and thus creating slack lengthwise on the
missing parts that would make the machine inoperative
load. This method is also effective for preventing the
or hazardous for shipment. Of special importance is the
latches from coming open, when loading drums with
securing of interior bracing of movable parts such as tail
detachable tops.
stocks, counter-balancing weights, and swing turrets.
e. Pails and 5-gallon containers. Because of the
c. Blocking and bracing requirements.
flexibility of light gauge pails and the method of
machinery or like items moving on open top equipment
fastening the tops (particularly of 5-gal containers of
will be blocked and braced in accordance with the
paint), it is mandatory that the load be sectionalized into
mandatory minimum requirements of AAR section 6, of
a least four units. Divisional gates will be fastened
the Rules Governing the Loading of Commodities on
securely to the sidewalls of the car (fig 3-27). The
Open Top Cars. When loaded in closed cars, general
blocking and bracing will be placed against the strongest
rules in circular 42-F will be followed. Recommended
part of the container when blocking and bracing pails, 5-
loading methods for blocking and bracing of machinery
gallon containers, and fiber drums.
and allied or like items in closed cars are covered by
AAR pamphlet 21..
3-75. Machinery and Machine Tools.
a. Importance of proper loading.
3-76. Trailer-on-Flatcar (TOFC)/Container-on-Flatcar
(1) Dollar damage. Because of the high
(COFC) Load.
dollar value of this equipment, any damage can involve
a. TOFC shipments usually require a ramp t) allow
a large loss.
the chassis to be driven onto the flatcar. Two types of
(2) Delay to production. When machinery
equipment are used for TOFC loads: Improved strength
destined to a manufacturing point is received damaged,
semitrailers (piggyback trailers), or ISO containers
there is a resultant delay in production until replacement
mounted on a chassis.
parts can be produced.
b. Containers (including ISO containers) not
(3) Difficulty of replacement.
If possible,
mounted on a chassis are often shipped on flatcars
repairs can be effected or, if this is not feasible, it may
(COFC). Specialized equipment is available to lift these
be necessary to manufacture a unit or part as the
containers and position onto a flatcar.
damaged item may be the only one of its type.
examples of handling equipment for such containers are
b. Inspection before preparation for shipment.
shown in figures 3-28 through 3-30.
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