![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
containing 50 boxes, the ratio of transfers has been
(c) 9 feet 4 inches wide by 40 feet 6
reduced from 1,800 individual box handlings to 36
inches long.
mechanized pallet moves. Also, each time a package is
(d) 9 feet 6 inches wide by 50 feet 6
handled, there is the possibility of damage; therefore,
inches long.
reduced handling results in less damage to cargo.
(3) Car door widths.
(2) Stable pallet loads. If the items are
(a) Single door boxcars. The doors in
assembled carelessly on a pallet, the pallet will not
single door boxcars are from 6 feet to 10 feet wide.
protect the material during handling or transit
Some of the newer cars have doors with a 12-foot width.
operations. If a pallet unit becomes disarranged, it is
(b) Double door boxcars. The doors in
not much better than individual loading and requires a
double door boxcars vary from approximately 10 feet 6
large amount of manual handling to reassemble in an
inches to 16 feet 6 inches. The average standard clear
orderly arrangement. Therefore, it is important that the
width opening is 15 feet.
palletization of items be arranged carefully and the
(4) Refrigerator car information.
individual items be secured properly into a strong
compact unit, capable of being handled and shipped
(a) Inside floor dimensions. The inside
floor dimensions of a standard size refrigerator car are 8
feet 2 3/4 inches in width by 33 feet 2 3/4 inches in
length. Some cars will vary from this standard.
See section X, this chapter, for more
(b) Car door widths. Car doors are 4
detail on unit loads.
feet wide although newer cars are being built with 6foot
wide doors.
b. Boxcar information.
(5) Boxcar floors. When moving in and out of
(1) General. For guidance in planning pallet
cars with a loaded forklift truck, this heavy concentrated
units and loading, basic data on boxcars is necessary.
load in motion causes a considerable strain on the car
While the dimensions listed in subparagraph (2) below
floors. In order to avoid accident or injury, the car floors
are the most common for standard boxcars, dimensions
must be protected. Circular 42F, rule 6(D), Operating-
of some older or special cars may vary.
Transportation Division, AAR, General Rules Covering
(2) Inside floor dimensions of boxcars.
Loading of Carload Shipments of Commodities in
Typical inside floor dimensions of boxcars are as
Closed Cars, requires, when lift trucks are used for
loading and unloading, suitable steel plates must be
(a) 9 feet 2 inches wide by 40 feet 6
placed in the car to prevent damage to the floor (fig 3-
inches long.
(b) 8 feet 6 inches wide by 40 feet 6
inches long.
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