![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
transportation may be selected. This advice should
Another factor leading to this complex situation is the
include, among other things, information as to whether
multiplicity of types of shipping containers used.
the shipment-
b. Selection of type of railcar.
(1) Is palletized or unpalletized.
(1) In car loading, the selection of the proper
(2) Consists of high center of gravity items,
car is of initial importance. This must be done with a
requiring special tiedown or bracing methods.
view to its fitness for the particular commodity to be
loaded, since properly loaded shipments are often
(3) Consists
damaged by unfit equipment. On the other hand,
concentrated weights.
freight, which in itself is not highly susceptible to
(4) Consists of fragile, high value, one-of-a-
damage, may cause damage to equipment better suited
kind, or critical items.
for other classes of freight.
(5) Consists of items subject to contamination
(2) Rail freight cars are generally classified
such as flour, sugar, or other items.
as box, gondola, refrigerator, stock, hopper, tank, and
(6) Consists of explosives or other hazardous
flat. In this general range, many cars are constructed to
commodities and whether they have been properly
transport specific commodities. Many freight cars are
marked and labeled.
specially equipped with blocking and bracing appliances
(7) Will be handled at origin or destination or
which form an integral part of the car. While it is the
both by MHE. In addition to the above information,
duty of the carrier to inspect cars thoroughly before they
selection of the proper mode of transportation requires
are placed for loading by shippers, it is to the shipper's
consideration of conditions at origin and destination,
interest to ensure that cars selected are in all respects
probability of transshipment, degree of security needed
suitable for the kind of freight to be shipped.
in movement, military requirements, the cost of
c. Shipper's loading responsibilities.
transportation, the type of service provided, etc.
(1) Freight should be loaded to withstand the
c. Stowage of freight aboard vessels is not usually
normal hazards of transportation. Shippers are required
encountered by warehousing personnel and will not be
to load freight carried at carload rates, unless otherwise
discussed in this section; likewise, LCL and LTL
provided by tariff. They are also required to load heavy
shipments will not be included since they are generally
or bulky freight which is carried at LCL rates, but which
loaded and unloaded by the carriers, except shipments
cannot be handled by regular station employees or at
of explosives and ammunition.
stations where carrier's facilities are not sufficient for
d. This section does not establish organizational
handling. In addition, shippers must observe carrier's
alignments or functions. Although certain warehousing
rules for the safe loading of freight and protection of
and traffic functions are described, it is not intended to
equipment, and movable parts (machinery) must be
imply that those functions will be performed by particular
secured. When articles are loaded on open cars, small
organizational elements within the services or shipping
detachable parts must be removed and placed in
packages or secured within the article. Shipments of
explosives and ammunition will be loaded in accordance
3-67. General.
with service regulations and publications.
a. Types of commodities handled. The shipment
(2) In addition to selecting the proper type of
of military supplies is possibly the most complex traffic
car, the following precautions should be taken against
function in the world. This is due, in part, to the wide
the use of defective or unclean cars:
variety of commodities involved and their diverse
(a) Examine the interior of the car for
physical characteristics.
The commodities shipped
any defects of roof, sides, or floor that might cause
range from small items easily handled by one person to
snagging, tearing, scarring, or rupture of container, or
those which are so bulky as to require the use of
permit the entry of rain, dirt, or other matter likely to
multiple or idler cars, or exceed the size or weight
damage the freight.
limitations of standard transportation equipment and
(b) Remove protruding nails and other
facilities, and require the use of special routings or
obstructions not part of the car.
heavy duty equipment. Others may be hazardous (e.g.,
(c) Reject cars that cannot be suitably
explosives, acids, poisonous gases, etc.), and require
conditioned without mechanical or other extensive
caution in preparation for transportation; perishable, and
require protective service from heat or cold; delicate,
and require special handling; or in critical supply.
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