![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
CH space cannot be made available after receipt, the
storage, be first considered for storage in low roof areas,
level of protection will, if required, be raised consistent
if such are available. Consideration of the storage
with the type of storage and the anticipated length of
method used will be given to serially numbered items.
e. Unserviceable, economically reparable material
awaiting repair, classification (return material), or
e. Items received from sources such as
repackaging will be temporarily afforded CH storage in
procurements, returns, and transfers, identified for CH
accordance with the priority established for the
storage, will be placed in available CH space according
serviceable item on a space available basis.
to priority. However, as a matter of judgement on the
part of storage or inspection personnel, an item of
higher priority, with levels of preservation and packing
reserve which are usually stored together for rotation of
able to withstand normal storage, may be passed over in
stock will continue to be so stored when committed to
favor of items of lower priority with lesser levels of
CH storage.
preservation or packing.
g. Depots having dry storage tanks must recognize
f. Any action which reduces the level of packaging
one basic difference between CH warehouse space and
of material, on the assumption that it will be stored in
CH tanks.
Supplies stored in dry tanks must of
CH space, will require adequate controls to assure
necessity be confined to inactive, reserve type stocks,
storage in CH space.
since ready and frequent access to the interior of these
tanks is not normally economical or practical.
g. Movement of supplies and/or pallets which are
wet or damp into CH areas should be avoided.
3-52. Material Protection Factors.
h. Interwarehouse transfers should be conducted
a. Items to be placed in CH storage may be
under preferred climatic conditions.
afforded the minimum practicable preservation and
i. Schedules for cyclic inspection will normally be
packing, in accordance with requirements of the military
extended for items under CH storage.
service or agency.
b. Items currently in storage or received from
3-53. Utilization Factors.
procurement will not be repackaged to attain a lower
a. Only through maximum use of CH space will the
level of protection for CH storage, unless such is
full extent of inherent economic and physical benefits be
accomplished as a byproduct of normal care and
realized. Maximum use, however, does not mean
preservation and maintenance operations.
simply filling the warehouse, but maximum occupation
c. Preservation and packing levels can be safely
by supplies that require the protection.
reduced to the minimum for material consigned to CH
b. Storage operations in CH warehouses will utilize
storage. However, the degree of additional hazard
the same basic principles of good warehousing that are
imposed on supplies from the time they are shipped
practiced in conventional warehouses.
from the safe confines of CH storage until they are
attention will be given to modernization plans which are
consumed must be taken into account. Supplies in
geared to the improvement of practices.
general must continue, as always, to be protected at a
arrangement should provide for maximum utilization of
time of shipment to a degree commensurate with the
available cube, direct accessibility of supplies and
maximum anticipated hazard to which they will be
equipment for proper stock rotation, accurate and legible
subjected in movement from storage to consumer.
identification, mobility of each item, and application of
d. In certain cases, supplies and equipment
safe storage practices.
destined for storage in CH facilities are purchased at a
reduced level of preservation and packing. Supplies
3-54. Equipment and Operations Factors.
received from vendors, so packed, will be placed in CH
a. CH equipment should be located within the
storage as soon as possible after receipt. In the event
warehouse so as not to obstruct traffic aisles (fig 3-10).
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