![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
patch or the product should be repackaged or removed.
(e.g., furniture, craft items, tool handles, wooden
Rodent-proof garbage and trash receptacles will be
equipment parts, and pallets). Shipments received from
provided in sufficient numbers and locations, and their
tropical areas are especially prone to insect infestation.
use should be enforced. Eating and drinking must be
Wood dust (sawdust) and small holes indicate damage
restricted to designated areas because open food
by insects.
containers attract rodents. Dead rodents, birds, and
other pests must be removed promptly from the storage
(2) Termites are the most destructive insect
area by warehouse personnel. Removal of all garbage
pests at military installations. They eat wood and other
and trash should be accomplished at least weekly.
cellulose products such as paper and fiberboard. They
can destroy structural timbers, pallets, crates, boxes,
Summary of Pest Management Procedures.
tool handles, furniture, books, and other wood and
cotton products. By attacking packaging or crating in
Effective pest management operations will provide the
storage areas, they will seriously damage stored items
necessary measures to ensure the safe and efficient
such as nylon parachutes and woolen clothing.
control of insects, rodents, weeds, and other pests. Pest
(3) The storage officer should request
management will be conducted in accordance with each
technical assistance from facilities engineering in the
installation's pest management plan and should include
inspection of lumber and other forest products for
inspections to determine the need for and effectiveness
insects and wood-destroying fungi. Infested timbers will
of pest control measures; determination of construction
be treated with approved pesticides. Depot stocks of
needs and maintenance criteria to protect against pest
wood products will be treated to prevent infestation and
damage; and pest control operations to include pesticide
application and fumigation.
Information Report Requirements.
a. Insect Management.
(1) Installation pest management plans will
a. In accordance with service specific directives
provide for the application of preventive as well as
and MIL-STD-904, all DOD activities that store infestible
remedial control measures. An effective stored product
supplies will report pest-induced losses.
pest management program integrates the combination
b. The pest infestation loss record keeping and
of biological, mechanical, physical, cultural, and
reporting requirements prescribed in this publication are
chemical controls. Biological controls or measures
assigned Report Control Symbol DD-A&L (AR) 1701.
include the use of pheromone traps for survey and
Existing data elements from DOD 5000.12-M, DOD
insect growth regulators. An example of physical control
Manual for Standard Data Elements, should be used in
is temperature regulation (i.e., cold storage).
the reporting requirements to the greatest extent
(2) Mechanical controls include draining,
eliminating harborage, and rodent proofing. Cultural
controls involve increasing awareness, stock rotation,
Reclamation or Disposal of Infested Stocks.
training personnel, and practicing good housekeeping.
Chemical controls include selective use of pesticides in
After infested stock has been fumigated, it should be
spraying, dusting, fumigating, baiting, and wood
examined for fitness for human consumption or
protection. Trained personnel are required for pesticide
serviceability. Subsistence unfit for human consumption
application. Regardless of the pesticide used, label
may be salvaged for animal food or destroyed. Cloth or
instructions must be followed in accordance with Federal
other nonsubsistence items, which are not heavily
law. Technical assistance should be requested from the
damaged, should be evaluated for return to stock. In
appropriate PMC since different stored products pests
each instance, technical advice prior to disposition of
may require different control measures.
the affected stock should be obtained from the quality
b. Rodent Management.
assurance inspector, military food inspector, or other
(1) Rodents are serious stored products
appropriate personnel.
pests. Rodent control is a continuous program with a
sustained effort to eliminate the cause of infestation
rather than one of periodic intensive campaigns.
Effective rodent control is dependent on the elimination
Proper housekeeping practices are essential for the
of food and shelter. The control program will include
protection of supplies in storage. Floors, containers,
removal of food and water supply,
MHE, storage areas, pallets, and other storage aids
must be clean and free of any substances that will
attract; provide food and water for; or harbor insects,
birds, rodents, and other pests. Tears and ruptures in
food containers must be closed with a
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