![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
(h) An example of the output generated
4 Name of Installation. Enter the
from the DD Form 805 submission is shown in figure 2-
name of the installation as listed in JCS Pub 1-03.19.
5 City Name. Enter the name of
the city in which the installation is located as listed in
JCS Pub 1-03.19.
(2) Detailed guidance for preparation of DD
Form 805 is as follows (see para e below for guidance
6 State l Country Code. Enter the
on the 80-column format for data submission):
state/ country code in which the installation is located as
listed in JCS Pub 1-03.19.
7 Frequency.
Enter "A" for
(a) Header section.
annual or "L" for semiannual.
1 Report Date. Enter the last two
(b) Column data definition (types of
digits (00-99) of standard data element "year," and the
storage). Refer to section A, this chapter, for detailed
two digits (01-12) of standard data element "month" to
explanations on types of storage facilities.
represent the as-of date.
2 Installation Code. Enter a four-
character alpha identity code as prescribed in JCS Pub
1 Column B, Total Covered. No
entry is required since the program will compute total
covered and will enter this total in column B. Total
3 DOD Component. Enter "A" for
covered is equal to the sum of columns C through L.
Army, "N" for Navy/Marine Corps, "F" for Air Force, or
"D" for DLA.
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