![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
under "Remarks" on all subinstallation reports. Data
(b) DD Form 805 will
pertaining to the subinstallation or annex (separated) will
1 Cover the total amount of each
not be included in the parent installation report.
type of storage space at the installation or activity
Annexes or subinstallations not presently reporting will
concerned, even though this space is temporarily used
submit reports only if the 1,000,000 GSF standard is
for other purposes.
met. A separate installation identity code will be
2 Include all space that has been
assigned in this instance.
outgranted, ingranted, or otherwise used.
(e) All entries (lines or remarks) on DD
3 Include the total amount of
Form 805 pertaining to square feet (SF) or cubic feet
storage space at the installation, regardless of the
(CF) will be expressed in thousands rounded to the
occupants, except space excluded per paragraph c(3).
nearest thousand (e.g., 23,499 will be reported as 23;
(c) Only one DD Form 805 will be
24,500 will be reported as 25, etc.) (f) All entries in GSF
prepared for each installation.
Real property and
will be computed by
improvements, located on adjoining land that is
1 Using inside measurements
controlled by the DOD Component, will be considered
between exterior walls of covered storage areas without
as one installation regardless of missions, functions,
deductions for firewalls or other structural losses.
installation classification, or activities that may be
Employee parking areas in covered storage space is
located there. A public highway or railroad rightof-way
also included and will be reported as vacant.
passing through an installation will not be considered as
2 Using overall measurements of
breaking the continuity of the land.
open storage areas with no deductions for trackage and
In those cases in which installations are physically
permanent roads within the area. For unimproved open
separated, they will be treated and reported as separate
areas, only that space occupied by stored materiel or
installations regardless of command structure.
used in support of storage operations will be reported.
(d) When an installation has an annex
(g) All reports must be in balance
or subinstallation (geographically separated), the annex
before submitting. A sample of a completed form is
or subinstallation will be reported on a separate DD
shown in figure 2-62.
Form 805 at the same frequency as the parent
installation. The parent installation will be identified
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