![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
determined, the direction of flow and storage must be
This is the ideal layout for heavylifts as it permits the car
established and entered on the floor plan. Figures 2-41
to be spotted on the more distant track and the crane to
operate between the car and the storage point. In this
initial floor plans.
arrangement, the distance from the crane to the material
in the car or its intended storage point is cut to a
b. Planning uses. The requirement for storage
minimum. This permits maximum utilization of crane lift
space by type, amount, and position must be calculated
capacity. Usually, double-track storage areas are at a
utilizing estimated or known item quantities, sizes,
premium; therefore, where possible, the area on both
characteristics, and the demand frequency shown in
sides of a double track should be used for storage of
current reports, historical data, and forecasts.
heavy materials. However, to facilitate the use of the
Quantities of bin sections and the various types of racks
storage area behind this heavy material, it is necessary
required will then be determined. The amount and
to provide 20-foot aisles at 100-foot intervals leading
location of the space assigned for these storage aids will
from the track to the inner storage areas.
be in consonance of this section. A preliminary layout
(5) With a locomotive crane, a 2-foot
will be drawn on the floor plan and subjected to a
clearance between stores and swing of the cab and
comprehensive check to verify the validity of the data
counter balance is required. This will permit the crane
used and the calculations which were made from the
to make the swing required to move material from the
data. It is essential that any revision of a layout be
car to the stack without danger of the counter balance or
accomplished in the planning stage rather than after
cab of the crane colliding with the materials stored on
storage aids have been erected and material stored.
either side of the tracks.
The principles of efficient storage layout (see fig 2-41)
require the minimum number and width of aisles, the
(6) Where
maximum degree of straight flow movement patterns,
warehouse cranes are used, it is necessary to maintain
the approximate positioning of bin and rack storage
a 25-foot wide operational aisle along one side of the
areas and storage support function areas, and the
track, measured from the rail nearest to the storage
maintenance of flexibility in storage depth. The storage
area. This aisle provides the necessary clearance
operation shown in figure 2-41 is small in size, but the
between the car and stock for efficient crane operations.
principles shown apply to any storage operation
Also, this aisle is necessary to permit the loading or
regardless of square feet occupied, the range and depth
unloading of cars by fork truck and the transportation of
of items stored, or the simplicity or sophistication of
stock by crane, fork truck, or tractor-trailer train from car
MHE used. Figure 2-42 illustrates placement of bins for
side to the storage areas not immediately adjacent to
a warehouse automated materials handling system. In
the track.
such a system, popular items are placed in bins nearest
(7) Because of track, road layout, and/or
the material flow lines (conveyors, etc.).
terrain, each hard-surfaced open storage area presents
layouts must be planned to consolidate productive
varied problems in space layout. For this reason, layout
functions into a centralized location to the greatest
plans must be flexible in order to utilize a higher
feasible extent. Such planning will result in a layout
percentage of the net usable space in each area.
which reduces travel time and distances. This, in turn,
2-11. Utilization of Floor Plan in Stock Layout.
decreases the requirements for MHE, increases work
a. Basic use. Using the floor plans, enter the
unit production per man-hour, lessens personnel fatigue
location of aisles, shipping, receiving, bin, bulk, medium
and error rate, provides for closer supervision and
lot, pallet rack, and storage operational areas. After the
greater security, and permits flexibility in use of the work
location of the basic storage and operational areas are
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