![]() CHAPTER 1
1-1. Purpose and Applicability.
b. Storage and materials handling policies,
procedures, and methods at DOD Component supply
installations/activities will be uniform to the maximum
a. This manual establishes uniform storage and
practicable extent. Policies, procedures, and methods
indicated herein by directive words such as "will,"
responsibilities for use by the Department of Defense
"shall," or "must," are mandatory. The use of such
(DOD) supply installations involved in the receipt,
words as "may" or "should" indicates that the procedures
storage, issue and care of military supplies and
and methods described are recommended, but not
equipment, except for preservation/packing and defense
reutilization and marketing facilities, maintenance of
c. DOD 4145.19-R, Storage and Warehousing
bulk petroleum fuel handling facilities, and hazardous
Facilities and Services, will be used in conjunction with
materials storage. It is based on an installation which
this manual.
has a wide product mix and stores heavy tonnage items
such as subsistence, clothing/textiles, packaged
d. When necessary, DOD Components may
petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL), as well as small
authorize temporary deviations when compliance with
items such as electronics and repair parts. Regardless
mandatory provisions is temporarily impracticable or the
of what is stored, the basic storage principles apply.
deviation is required as an exigency measure.
Temporary deviations, including any extensions thereto,
will not exceed 90 days. DOD Components may
(1) Preservation/packing of military supplies
authorize interim deviations from the mandatory
and equipment is contained in joint services publications
provisions of the manual. Advice of any authorized
DLAM 4145.2/TM 38-230-2/NAVSUP PUB 502/AFP 71-
deviation which may extend beyond 90 days will be
15/MCO P4030.31C (vol I), and DLAM 4145.2 (vol.
forwarded to the Department of Army, ATTN: DALO-
II)/TM 38-230-2/NAVSUP PUB 503 (vol II)/AFP 71-
SMP, Washington, DC 20310, within 15 days of the date
16/MCO P4030.21C.
Guidance applicable to bulk
of authorization, for a coordinated determination as to
petroleum fuel handling facilities is set forth in MIL-
whether it should be (a) incorporated into the regulation,
HDBK-201, Petroleum Operations. Hazardous materials
(b) continued as an authorized deviation, (c) withdrawn,
or (d) referred to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
4145.11/NAVSUP PUB 573/AFR 69-XX/MCO 4450.XX,
(Production and Logistics) (ASD (P&L)) for approval.
Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials.
1-3. Organization and Use.
(2) Defense Reutilization and Marketing
a. Organization. This manual is organized by
(Warehousing), at the Defense Reutilization and
major subjects (sections) and functions (parts). A table
Marketing Offices provides guidance on storage of
of contents reflects the scope of subjects included. The
excess and surplus materials.
loose-leaf format of the manual facilitates changes and
additions to the text.
b. The provisions of this manual apply to the
Department of the Army (DA), the Department of the
b. Table of contents and index. The organization
Navy, the Department of the Air Force, the Marine
of this publication makes it possible to locate desired
Corps (MC), and the Defense Logistics Agency (referred
information easily by referring to the table of contents in
to collectively as "DOD Components").
the front of the manual to determine general locations.
Information that is too detailed for identification by this
1-2. Policy.
method may be located by reference to the topical
a. Implementation of this manual also requires
compliance with DOD directives 4165.60, Solid Waste
c. Illustrations. The purpose of the illustrations is
Management-Collection, Disposal, Resource Recovery,
to show by means of photographs, charts, or completed
and Recycling Program, and 6050.1, Environmental
sample forms, the principles and procedures explained
Effects in the United States of DOD Actions.
in the text. The illustrations do not necessarily show
Additionally, implementation outside the United States
current names, dates, and
requires consideration of host nation environmental
quality laws and regulations.
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