![]() NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
SH-60B, SH-60F, HH-60H, MH-60S, MH-60R (Cont.)
during this period, and no abnormal upward trend occurs, change oil to
remove potentially abrasive iron particles and return to normal sampling."
If an abnormal iron level or abnormal upward trend occurs, without
accompanying copper, the recommendation shall be "Change oil, submit
sample after initial turn-up, and submit samples approximately each 10
flight hours for next 30 flight hours. If iron level remains below marginal
range and no abnormal upward trend occurs within this 30 hour period,
return to normal sampling". If the iron level climbs to the marginal range or
above or if an abnormal upward trend occurs within this period, the
recommendation shall be "Perform serviceability check of tail rotor gearbox
in accordance with the general aircraft information manual".
Ag -
Primary sources of silver in the tail rotor gearbox are plating on male
splines on bevel gear and pinion gear. These splines mate with inboard
retention plate splines and input flange splines, respectively. Though not in
wetted area of the gearbox, wear particles can, in some cases, migrate
through faying surfaces into the oil system. Secondary sources of silver in
plate sleeve and input flange sleeve. These surfaces are press fit onto the
retention plate and input flange, respectively, and are not subject to normal
wear. If the silver level enters the marginal or high range, the
recommendation shall be "Submit oil samples approximately each 10 flight
hours for the next 30 flights hours. Do not change oil at this time. If silver
level does not increase to abnormal range and no abnormal upward trend
occurs within this period, change oil at the end of the 30 hour period and
return to normal sampling".
If silver level enters the abnormal range, or if an abnormal upward trend in
the silver level occurs, the recommendation shall be "Discontinue flight
operations and check for proper torque on inboard retention plate bolts and
on input flange nut in accordance with transmission system maintenance
manual". If proper torque is confirmed, the recommendation shall be
"Change oil, submit oil sample after initial tuneup, and submit oil sample
approximately each 10 flight hours for the next 30 hour period, return to
normal sampling". If the silver level returns to the marginal range or above,
or if an abnormal upward trend in the silver level occurs within this 30 flight
hour period, the recommendation shall be "Immediately discontinue further
flight operations, remove inboard retention plate, and inspect retention
plate splines, bevel gear splines, and split cones for fretting/wear, in
accordance with transmission system maintenance manual. If no
discrepancies are identified in this inspector, remove input flange and
inspect input flange splines and pinion gear splines for fretting/wear."
Al -
Aluminum by itself is not considered a critical wear metal in the H-60. If
Titanium is normal, no action is required. Aluminum contamination only
would indicate internal corrosion. The three aluminum components that
typically give apparent indications of wear resulting from corrosion are the
input pinion plug, the filler cap assembly and the chip detector assembly.
These components are not normally subject to service wear. Most
probable source of corrosion product is the input pinion plug, a low point in
the gearbox. Wear/fretting on the inboard retention plate split cones can
produce aluminum and copper. If wear/fretting on the split cones is
occurring, titanium will begin to show in the soil samples.
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