![]() NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
SH-60B, SH-60F, HH-60H, UH-60L (Cont.)
EH-60A, MH-60L, MH-60K, MH-60S, MH-60R, AND VH-60N
gearbox. It is also used as a base plating for the chrome layer used on the
input and output flange sleeves. Because plating applications are under
0.005-0.007 inch layer of chrome, wear on nickel plating would be preceded
by abnormal levels of chromium. More likely source of nickel is wear or
corrosion of a gear, bearing, or sleeve. Because steels will normally produce
iron in greater quantity, iron level is used for maintenance decisions on these
components (See supplementary information above on iron).
Silicon is not a critical wear metal in the intermediate gearbox, but should be
monitored due to the potential for abrasion if levels grow too high. The
probable source of silicon is contamination from sand. Oil change shall be
recommended for verified silicon level over 60 ppm.
Lead may appear, but does not impact operation of aircraft. Continue to
operate aircraft with no corrective action required.
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