![]() NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
JT15D-5B (Cont.)
1.Provide maintenance personnel with the indicated engine components and advise them to check the
engine oil filter element for blockage IAW 1T-1A-2-71GS-00-1. If the filter element is serviceable, continue in
service. Perform the following steps after the shortest of the following intervals: between one and three
hours of operation maximum, since the initial sample or after the next flight.
a. Analyze a second engine oil sample. If analysis indicates the presence of elements in the
MARGINAL or NORMAL ranges, continue the engine in service and maintain a normal sampling
b. Inspect the engine oil filter element IAW 1T-1A-2-71GS-00-1. Advise the LSC of any
contamination found.
c. If analysis of the second oil sample indicates the presence of elements in the HIGH or
ABNORMAL ranges, perform the following steps.
Obtain and analyze third and fourth engine oil samples during and after a one-hour engine
ground run. Take the third sample after 30 minutes of operation and the fourth after the
conclusion of the ground run.
Inspect the engine oil filter element IAW 1T-1A-2-71GS-00-1. If the filter element is
serviceable, continue in service.
If analysis of the third and fourth samples indicate the presence of elements in the NORMAL
range, continue the engine in service and return to the normal sampling interval.
If analysis of the third and fourth samples indicate the presence of elements in the
MARGINAL range, continue the engine in service with special sampling intervals.
If analysis of the third and fourth samples indicate the presence of elements in the HIGH or
ABNORMAL ranges, provide the JOAP laboratory results to the LSC for a recommended
course of action..
& Mo Cr V MN
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3 and 4 bearings and associated races.
Si Co W Ni Cu
& Cr Mn Si Ni
Cu Mo
& Fe Ni Cr Mn
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3, 4 and tower shaft bearing cages.
& Ni Cr Mn Cu
Accessory gearbox and oil pump gears.
Si Mo
& Cr Mn Si Ni
No. 4 bearing air seal (on LPT rotor.
Cu Mo
& Sn Cu Ni
& Si Cu Mg
Oil pump housing, upper tower shaft bearing housing.
& Cu Mg Mn
Accessory gearbox scavenge strainer transfer tube.
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