![]() NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
F100-PW-100/-200/-220/-229 (Cont)
(F-15) (F-16)
1. The F100 oil capacity is 5 gallons.
2. Allowable oil consumption rate is 0.125 gallons/hour.
3. Oil level is checked after every flight and consumption rate calculated at that time.
4. Maintenance action is required if consumption rate is exceeded, per troubleshooting technical order.
Complete Oil Breakdown Rate Analyzer, Version II (Cobra II)
Normal Range
0-9 (See Note 1)
Abnormal Range
10 or higher (See Notes 2 and 3)
Abnormal Range Trend
Increase of 3 or more within normal range after one flight or an increase
of 3 or more within a 10 hour engine operating period or less (See notes 2
and 3)
Cobra limits shall be used in conjunction with current F-100 engine black oil screening procedures I.E.,
burnt oil photographs of MIL-L- 7808. If the samples passes cobra limits, odor and color test, no action
Actions required for abnormal range or trend:
a. Re-check calibration and serviceability of analyzer.
b. Verify Cobra II reading with existing sample and re-sample with special sample code "P".
c. Verify engine oil is not contaminated with free water. Samples with excess water will appear milky
and will increase the cobra reading in value and inconsistency.
d. Verify analyzer electrodes are moisture free (DRY). Any moisture on analyzer electrodes will
adversely affect the readings.
Actions required if abnormal range or trend samples is confirmed: contact and advise propulsion flight
of recommendation JOAP Code "T". Propulsion management will evaluate and determine appropriate
engine maintenance actions based on OAP and applicable on condition maintenance technical manual
for burnt oil.
Oil samples subjected to thermal degration usually exibit a blackened appearance and burnt odor. This
condition has been coined "black oil" but the proper term is "burnt oil".
Burnt oil is defined as oil that is significally darker than previously found on a particular engine, typically
accompanied by noticeable burn odor.
Oil samples do not have to be actually black in color to be judged as burnt oil; rapid darkening of oil
between sample periods indicates burnt oil condition. Rapid darkening, with or without the burnt odor,
or the burnt odor by itself are cause for declaring burnt oil.
Burnt oil or rapid darkening of the oil can occur after only one flight.
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