![]() TM 38-260
(2) Outside dimensions.
(a) Outside dimensions shall be shown on all shipping containers, bundles, or secured
lifts having any single dimension of 72 inches (1829mm) or over.
(b) Outside dimensions shall be shown in the order of length, width, and height, and
shall appear in addition to the cube.
(c) Dimensions shall be shown in inches to the nearest inch and shall be located below
the identification data.
(3) Contract data markings.
(a) Contract data markings are standard and are applicable to all shipments originating
with a contractor.
(b) These markings shall consist of the contract number, purchase or delivery order
number, or modification for change order number, when required, and the name and address of
the prime contractor, including ZIP Code.
(c) Whenever supplies and equipment are shipped from a subcontractor, only the name
and address of the prime contractor shall be used.
(4) Address markings.
(a) Domestic shipment address. The domestic address marking for transportation
priority (TP) I and 2 shipments shall be marked on a red or blue bordered DD Form 1387
(label). Red bordered labels or tags with red numerals shall be used to identify TP I shipments.
Blue bordered labels or tags with blue numerals shall be used to identify TP 2 shipments. When
the DD Form 1387 is not available at the vendor's plant and the time required to obtain it would
preclude meeting the required delivery date (RDD) on a TP I or TP 2 shipment, any available
label or tag of the same size may be used provided; 1) the data content is the same as DD Form
1387; 2) red or blue border as appropriate, is applied; 3) approval is obtained from the
contracting officer. Shipments to be moved under TP 3 shall be marked on the plain DD Form
1387 . As an alternate for TP 3 shipments, military shipping activities may use the computer
generated label or a plain tag, whereas contractors may use any type of label or tag readily
available at time of shipment. Labels shall be securely affixed in place with water-resistant
adhesive. Labels for level A shipments shall be waterproofed by the appropriate waterproofing
compound. The domestic address shall be composed of the transportation control number
(TCN), prefixed by TCN
, (Example TCN A25TBB 3130 0010 XXX), required
Delivery Date (RDD) or expedited handling code, project code (when applicable), and
transportation priority number-, prefixed as appropriate by RDD
, the name and address of the consignor (bar coded and in the clear), the name and
address of the consignee (bar coded and in the clear), and the piece number, total pieces, weight,
and cube.
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