![]() TM 38-260
(1) The width of the skid assembly shall extend a minimum of 2 inches (51mm) beyond the farthest projection on
each side of the machine.
(2) The length of the skid assembly shall provide a minimum of 2 inches (51mm) clearance between the farthest
projection of the equipment and the inside edge of the skid header.
e. Top-heavy machine tools.
(1) The transporting vehicle and route will vary with top-heavy machine tools and items with height exceeding
normal shipping dimensions. Blocking and bracing shall be located at points of the machine with sufficient rigidity to carry
the machine weight.
(2) Skid assemblies for top-heavy items requiring upright skidding due to such factors as design and structural
weakness shall be sized to provide stability in handling and transit. The length and width of the skid platform should
extend beyond the machine a distance equivalent to the height of the center' of gravity of the machine above its base.
f. Multiple skidding. Multiple skidding of machine tools on wood skids is permitted only for stability of top-heavy
items and then only when items are to be stored for the same planned producer.
g. Skid assembly. The skid assembly consists of runners, headers, floor crosspieces, and mounting plates for
crossbeams. The assembly selves as a base to provide safe movement, protection of equipment during transit, and
means of leveling equipment in storage.
h. Equipment not required to be skidded. Many kinds of IPE, OPE, and ST/STE due to construction or
configuration, may be shipped safely, conveniently, and more economically without skidding.
(1) This kind of equipment includes many heavy, durable, or solid base items, such as press frames, drop
hammers, bases, and anvils.
(2) Small, sensitive, delicate, or comparatively fragile equipment 200 pounds (91kg) or less need not be skidded,
but shall be packed in containers conforming to table VII of MIL-STD-2073-1.
(3) Equipment similar to that outlined above, but weighing more than 200 pounds (91 kg) (not to exceed the box
weight limitations), shall be packed in the same kind of box. Boxes exceeding 200 pounds (91 kg) gross weight shall be
modified by applying a minimum of two exterior cross skids on the bottom to facilitate handling.
i. Placement of IPE on skids. The correct placement of IPE on skids is necessary so that the desired protection
and handling can be achieved. The following requirements are applicable to equipment which is mounted on either wood
or aluminum skids as per MIL-HDBK-701.
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