![]() TM 38-260
8-7. Cushioning Materials and Their Use
a. General. In order to use cushioning materials effectively in the cushioning of IPE and OPE components and
accessories, a general knowledge of the cushioning materials and their characteristics is required. Different cushioning
materials behave differently under similar conditions based upon the characteristics of material. The chemical and
physical characteristics of cushioning will have a bearing on the type of cushioning required for a given time.
(1) Items which require cushioning include dial type indicators, precision instruments, inspection equipment,
delicate electronic and electrical equipment, control panels, and similar fragile components.
(2) The following statements summarize the functions of cushioning materials:
(a) To protect delicate and fragile items against the effects of shock and vibration hazards encountered in
handling and transportation.
(b) To protect delicate and highly polished surfaces against abrasion.
(c) To prevent rupture or severe abrasion to grease proof or waterproof barriers at the point of contact with solid
wood blocks or bracing materials.
(d) To protect small projections on items.
(e) To absorb liquids.
(f) To protect moisture-vaporproof barriers at points of contact from sharp edges of the item itself, packing
materials, or container surfaces.
(g) To protect at points of contact with wood blocking or bracing, and protect strippable compound coating applied
to large or heavy tooling related to IPE.
b. Cushioning materials used for IPE and OPE. There are many materials available that possess excellent
cushioning qualities but are too numerous to list in this manual. Therefore, the cushioning materials most generally used
for IPE are listed below by title and specification number:
(1) A-A-1898: Cushioning Material, Cellulose.
(2) PPP-C-850: Cushioning Material, Resilient Expanded Polystyrene.
(3) PPP-C-1752: Cushioning Material, Packaging, Unicellular Polyethylene, Flexible Foam.
(4) PPP-C-1797: Cushioning Material, Low Density Polypropylene Foam.
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