![]() TM 38-260
equally important that each machine tool, regardless of type or size, be kept free of deterioration. While this assumption
is justified on the basis that any defective unit can disrupt performance of a production line, particularly in an emergency
situation, it does not account for the possibility that a small, low-cost machine tool is more readily replaced than a large
complex item. It has been assumed that the number of machine tools in a storage installation will vary from a single unit
to several thousand items.
d. Inspection in storage. Inspection of IPE and OPE in storage is required and the inspection phases and frequency
shall be determined by the storage environment, such as CH, heated, or nonhumidity controlled storage.
e. Inspection phases. The inspection phases include visual, periodic, and detailed inspections for each storage
environment. Visual inspection does involve actions on specific equipment. Periodic and detailed inspections involve
actions on equipment which must be selected. The number of items requiring these inspections are based on a
percentage of the total number of items in storage at the site. A similar procedure is used for individual hutments or
buildings. The various storage-inspection combinations are as follows:
(1) Controlled Humidity (CH) visual inspection. Visual inspection shall be performed on all items of IPE and
OPE in storage on a 100 percent per year basis. A suggested procedure is the inspection of several items of IPE and
OPE each week when the hygrothermographs are inspected for proper operation. All inspections require the viewing of
external preserved surfaces. This requires lifting of opaque shrouds or dust covers and the removal of tops or covers not
secured to individual boxes or containers. No deviation from a 100 percent per year visual inspection is required unless:
(a) Control of humidity is lost for a period in excess of 72 hours and the hygrothermograph indicates a
relative humidity above 50 percent, or
(b) Control of humidity is lost and the temperature falls through the dew point giving rise to condensation
on the equipment.
(c) If either condition should occur, 100 percent visual inspection shall be conducted upon the return of CH
within the affected areas.
Corrective actions shall be taken immediately when unsatisfactory conditions are found.
(2) CH-periodic inspection. Periodic inspection includes the inspection of external preserved and painted
surfaces and internal mechanisms such as gear boxes, bearings, and sumps. Periodic inspections are not required on
items of IPE that have been in storage 3 years or less. If a visual inspection indicates the formation of incipient
deterioration or discoloration of the preservative in excess of 10 percent of all items, periodic inspection shall be
performed on all affected items.
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