![]() TM 38-260
5-1. General
a. This chapter sets forth technical requirements and guidance relative to storage of IPE and OPE. The
requirements set forth herein are to be complied with by maintenance and storage personnel and organizations involved
in the storage of IPE.
b. There are three basic causes of corrosion and deterioration of IPE in storage. They are:
(1) Contaminants not removed from equipment prior to being placed in storage.
(2) Humidity in the atmosphere surrounding the equipment in storage.
(3) Temperature causing thermal expansion and relative movement of component contacts.
c. Other chapters in this manual explain in detail how to clean IPE and also list preservative materials that are
applied to surface areas of the equipment. The preservatives form a barrier between these areas and the corrosives in
the atmosphere, thereby affording some protection against the corrosive elements.
d. Preservative materials are effective for a limited time only. The useful life of these materials may be greatly
extended by controlling the corrosive elements in the storage atmosphere. This chapter deals primarily with those
elements and lists the various means of controlling or slowing down their damaging influences to IPE.
e. Before proceeding with the various methods of controlling the atmosphere in the storage environment, it is
necessary to understand certain definitions and what the corrosive elements are and their effect on IPE.
5-2. Definitions
a. Controlled humidity storage. Space which has been especially prepared and equipped to control relative
b. Cocoon. A protective covering wrapped, placed, or sprayed over equipment in storage.
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