![]() TM 38-260
c. Records. All records for each item of IPE, shall be updated to reflect all findings and any actions taken
during shutdown maintenance. Records, including historical records installation and foundation drawings, and
manufacturers parts and operation manuals shall be packaged in accordance with C-1 of MIL-P-116. The package shall
be marked "TECHNICAL DATA" in bold black lettering. The package shall be protected against puncture and abrasion.
The package shall then be placed in a storage compartment of the machine, a box containing accessories or
disassembled components of the machine, or taped to the side of the machine with tape conforming to PPP-60, type IV.
Section II. Use-to-Use Redistribution
General Procedures
a. Policy. The procedures listed herein may be used as guidance in establishing a more uniform policy
relative to contractual use-to-use movements of Government-owned IPE. The guidelines set forth represent a sample of
work which can be adopted to specific situations with or without modification.
b. Guidance for use-to-use movement. The following information is presented as a guide in preparing IPE for
use-to-use redistribution.
(1) Removal from production. All items scheduled for relocation and immediate placement in a production
line should be inspected by the prospective receiving activity to determine that the items are capable of performing the
assigned work. If the equipment being inspected is not suitable, it should be rejected. No requirement exists for
analytical testing to ascertain the condition code for general purpose capability.
(2) Procedures. The preparation of IPE for use-to-use movement shall be accomplished in accordance
with paragraphs 3-2b(1) through (13) along with the additional general instructions listed below.
c. General instructions. Disassembly of complete items of IPE for cleaning shall be limited to the degree
necessary to assure that critical surfaces are free of contamination. If disassembly for cleaning is required and the
degree of disassembly is such that reassembly could result in mismatch or misalignment, the machine shall not be
operated under power until assembly and inspection have been accomplished. After inspection the machine shall be
operated under power.
The machine shall be recleaned and represerved after
being test run.
(1) All gear cases, lubricating systems and hydraulic systems shall be tested for PCB contamination. All
contaminated systems shall be drained and decontaminated by cycling and flushing with new fluids (hydraulic fluid
conforming to MIL-H-5606 or MIL-H-6083) until it meets requirements of Title 40 CFR Part 761. After decontamination,
systems shall be drained and all openings closed.
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