![]() TM 38-260
machines in Federal Supply Classes 3405, 3408, 3410 through 3419, 3422, and 3441 through 3449.
u. National stock number (NSN). A national stock number is a 13-digit number. The first four digits of the NSN
comprise the Federal Supply Classification (FSC), the 5th and 6th digits denote the North Atlanta Treaty Organization
(NATO) code number and the last seven digits comprise the national item identification number (NIIN).
v. Nonseverable equipment. Nonseverable plant equipment which, due to size or design, cannot be
economically removed from its installed position for storage or shipment.
w. Other Plant Equipment (OPE). That part of plant equipment regardless of dollar value which is used in
conjunction with the manufacture of components or end items relative to maintenance, supply, processing, assembly, or
research and development operations, but excluding items categorized as IPE.
x. Packaging. The processes and procedures used to protect material from deterioration, damage, or both. It
includes cleaning, drying, preserving, marking, and unitization.
y. Packing. Assembling of items into a unit, intermediate, or exterior pack with necessary blocking, bracing,
cushioning, weatherproofing, and reinforcement.
z. Physical damage. Damage from internal or external forces which result in breakage, denting, marring,
displacement, and/or abrasion to IPE or OPE.
aa. Plant Equipment Package (PEP). A PEP consists of active and/or inactive equipment which is required for
replenishment/reconstitution production when requirements cannot be readily made available from industry.
ab. Plant Equipment Code (PEC). A 12 digit, subclassification system within the framework of the Federal
Supply Classification (FSC) to encode the primary characteristics of items of IPE.
ac. Preservation. Application or use of adequate protective measures to prevent deterioration resulting from
exposure to atmospheric conditions, handling, shipment, and storage, such as fungus, excessive drying, high humidity,
fumes, and gases.
ad. Rebuild. To restore an item to a standard as near as possible to original, or new condition in appearance,
performance, and life expectancy.
ae. Repair. The specified maintenance necessary to correct material damage or failure, as required, to restore
the end item, assembly, or subassembly to the normal operating condition.
af. Serviceable item. Item in new or used condition suitable for issue and use.
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