![]() TM 38-260
e. Assure the greatest practicable uniformity in packaging processes for like items of plant equipment.
f. Effect economics by assuring the use of minimum weight and cube consistent with the anticipated storage and
shipping hazards.
Definition of Terms
Definitions of terms peculiar to this publication are listed below.
a. Cleaning. A process accomplished by a variety of methods to remove all sludge, chips, abrasives, dirt, lust,
and other harmful foreign matter.
b. Cube. The volume of space occupied by the unit under consideration, computed by multiplying overall
exterior length, width, and height. For shipping purposes, cube is expressed to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot.
c. Department of Defense (DOD) component. A military DOD agency and its subordinate activities. For the
purpose of this manual it includes the cognizant contract administration component and assigned contractors who take
required action pursuant to individual contract terms and approved procedures as appropriate.
d. DOD Component Mobilization Reserve. IPE held in reserve in Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition
and Logistics) (ASD (A&L)) approved Plant Equipment Packages by DOD components in support of approved
mobilization requirements.
e. Defense General Supply Center (DGSC). A primary level field activity of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
responsible for providing services to DOD components.
f. Defense Industrial Reserve (DIR). IPE which is being held to support projected DOD operational and
mobilization requirements. This reserve is composed of two major segments:
(1) DOD General Reserve.
(2) DOD Component Mobilization Reserve.
g. Disassembly. The removal of major components and assemblies, and other operations further dividing plant
equipment to facilitate inspection, cleaning, preservation and/or shipment.
h. Documentation. Consists of packing lists, inspection and test reports, operation and installation instructions,
historical records, diagrams of electrical and hydraulic systems, and utility connections. When specified, the
documentation shall include photographs, manufacturing procedures, and other required technical data.
i. Electrostatic discharge (ESD). A transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies at different electrostatic
potentials caused by direct contact or induced by an electrostatic field.
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