TM 32-5895-227-14&P
with a handset through the audio volume compression
6-5 GENERAL. The basic ICOM circuits are shown in
circuit AMP 2, AMP 3, AMP 4 at the telephone set is
established with the RICS headset and microphone
visual call indicator is energized by the blinker circuit.
through AMP 1, AMP 2, and AMP 3.
Typical position circuits are outstation to RICS, CCC to
c. Transfer operation by Trick Chief must be
RICS, CCC to outstation, and special intercom. The
initiated at SB-2601/G.
Station selection is
signal level of communication is controlled by an audio
accomplished with relay switching directly connected to
volume compression circuit.
J2 of SB-2601/G. Relays K1 through K18, which are
mounted in the OA-7735/G panel control station,
circuit with ISCRI and ISCR2 form a basic D-C flip-flop.
intercommunication channel.
The lamp load at pin E of the terminal blocks is
d. The position indicator light at J1 of the RICS is
connected in the cathode leg of ISCR2 so that one side
controlled by SB-2601/G.
of the load may be at ground (negative) potential. Flip-
flop timing is controlled by a conventional UJT oscillator
arrangement QI (2N2646) 1RS, IC1. Diode 1CRI and
a. A call may be originated from either position,
resistor 1R2 give required on/off timing independence
and symmetry adjustment. Resistor 1R5 determines the
as illustrated in the sample circuit shown in FO-3.
period adjustment for the flasher circuit. Tank circuit of
Intercommunication is initiated from the ICOM position
1R8, 1C3, 1C4, and 1R9 energize a maximum of 18
of OA7735/G to SB-2602/G by pushing switch SI and
simultaneous flashing positions.
energizing relays that are shown. Blinker flasher circuit
a. The most important feature of the injunction
B1 and B2 is energized in both positions as a call
function, with green indicators visibly blinking. Wiring
transistor 2N2646 is its highly stable negative resistance
from the CCC position to J18 is point-to-point. Relay
characteristic, which permits its application in the blinker
switching at OA7735/G couples J18 through cable
assembly CX-1104/U to ICOM position SB-2602/G
b. Blinker circuits are located in Communication
switchboard J7. Cable Assembly CX-1104/U is pin-to-
Control Console (CCC) OA-7735/G and Radio Intercept
pin wiring. The circuit is completed at J7 of SB-2602/G.
Control Switchboard (RICS) SB-2602/G.
The answer function is completed at SB-2602/G by
Indicator ICOM blinking signals on the Telephone Sets
pushing the intercom switch. The blinking circuit is
TA-676/G and Monitor Control Panel SB-2600/G are
deactivated and a steady-state green light indication is
powered from the CCC or RICS units.
b. ICOM communication with a headset and a
mike through the audio volume compression circuit
AMP 1 and AMP 2 at CCC is established with the RICS
headset and mike through AMP 2 and AMP 3.
Intercommunication is initiated from the ICOM position
of the SB-2602/G to an Outstation position TA-676/G by
pushing SWI and energizing KI. The blinker flashing
circuit is energized in both positions as a call function,
a. Origination of a call can be made by either
with green indicators visibly blinking.
a. Wiring from RICS position Channel I to
position as shown in the sample circuit in FO-4.
Intercommunication is established from the ICOM
communications control console (CCC) J21, is point-to-
position of OA-7735/G to an outstanding position SB-
point. Relay switching at the CCC couples J18 to pin-to-
2600/G by pushing the ICOM switch and energizing the
pin connections at Connector Assembly MX-7141/M.
relays that are shown. The blinker flashing circuit is
External interconnecting cables complete the circuit
energized in both positions as a call function, with green
between MX-7141/M in the AN/MSQ-71 central station
indicators visibly flashing. Wiring from CCC position J1
and outstation position MX-7142/G or MX-7143/G. See
to outstation position SB-2600/G J5 is point-to-point.
Relay switching at OA-7735/G couples J1, pin-to-pin
assembly wiring.
connections, as Connector Assembly MS 7141/M.
b. The circuit is completed at J2 of TA676/G
External connecting cables complete the circuit between
outstation position. The answer function is completed at
MX 7141 /M in the AN/MSQ-71 central station and the
TA676/G by pushing S2 and energizing 2K1 and 2K2.
outstation position MX 7143/G. See figures 6-3, 6-4, 6-
The biking circuit is de-activated and a steady-state
green light indication is obtained. ICOM communication
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