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TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
operation is:  "Do not handle the item except for
f. Conveyors. A conveyor, excluding mobile units,
performance of essential operations."
is defined as a device to move materials along a
Material  should  be  moved  mechanically
defined path. The storage and shipment of units in large
whenever possible with emphasis on movement through
quantities and materials handling depend upon each
the entire operation with minimized manual actions.
other. Since conveyors are one of the major devices for
Mechanical loading and unloading of material should be
the handling of materials, the task of getting the highest
emphasized (i.e., items can be moved from belt
efficiency and economy out of the use of conveyors
conveyors to power and free conveyors by automatic
involves selecting the right conveyor or system of
pickup stations). The use of mechanical handling aids
conveyors for the job.
Today, the conveyor is
will  maximize  the  productive  time  of  available
recognized as one of the more important tools in the
manpower.  Synchronization of conveyors eliminates
materials handling field.  It is a cost-saving, energy-
waits at transfer points and destination.
saving, and profit making modern mechanism. Before
advantage of the variable speed conveyor is that it can
selecting a conveyor as a purely transporting medium,
be set so as to tie in with other lines of operations.
the economics involved should be studied. The cost of
Conveyor  installations  must  provide  adequate
placing the item on, or removing it from the conveyor
clearances for industrial trucks. This applies not only to
may exceed the value gained through the use of the
the vertical plane, but also to the horizontal plane.
conveyor.  Gravity conveyor should be used where
In conveyor installations, ample clearance
should be provided for industrial trucks and loads to be
When the analysis of the product indicates that
carried. The types of conveyors listed and illustrated in
for  loading  and  unloading  highway  and  railway
this section should be regarded as standard for the
equipment, some type of conveyance is required to
military services. Not every type in use has been listed;
facilitate the operation, roller-feed gravity conveyors
however, this listing should not preclude procurement of
should be considered. Gravity conveyors are used to
other items when required in the interest of efficient and
advantage when loading or unloading small containers
economical materials handling.
as they reduce handling and the need for industrial
(1) Conveyor,
trucks, thus reducing detention time. Maintenance cost
Skatewheel  gravity  conveyor  is  a  free-flowing,
for gravity conveyors is considerably lower than for
nonpowered conveyor used for light-duty applications. It
other means of conveyance. Conveyor speed controls
is available in 12, 15, 18, and 24 inch widths. Wheel
rate of material delivery. The rate at which materials
options include aluminum, steel, and polyethylene.  It
arrive at the work station can be controlled by the
can be used in a gravity flow system or can be
conveyor speed to maximize work station output.
combined with motor driven conveyors to become part
of an integrated materials handling system.
standardized. Conveyors should be purchased utilizing
skatewheel  conveyor's  primary  application  is  for
standardized specifications to reduce the cost of repair,
handling lightweight loads when portability is required.
the Stockage of repair parts, and the cost of
Almost any object having a solid, reasonably firm
maintenance training. Cost and repair data should be
conveying surface can be transported on a skatewheel
maintained  and  used  in  the  improvement  of
conveyor (fog 4-34).
Standard length is 10-foot
specifications.  Wherever practical, conveyor loading
sections, but is also available in curved sections of 45
and unloading should be accomplished by mechanical
means.  A basic principle of any materials handling

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